how to: DIY notepads in 4 easy steps

Anyone who knows me knows I am a great lover of stationary. Pretty note pads, sticky notes, pens, pencils and pencil cases are among my favourite things. However, it seems the prettier they are the more expensive they are too. So here is how you can make your own beautiful, unique stationary. Let's take a look at notepads.

What you need:

> A plain, hardback notepad (you can find these quite cheap in supermarkets or even multi-packs in the pound shops)

> pretty patterned card

> plain card in white and another colour

> scissors

>double sided tape

> ruler

> Pens and pencils (if you want to personalise it)

Now for the how to...


With a ruler measure out the size of the your note pad cover and then, using a pencil, put the markings down on the back of your patterned paper. A pencil is better as it won't damage the paper and you can rub it out after if you wish. Then cut out the patterned paper to fit your notepad.


Using your double sided tape stick the patterned paper onto the front of your notepad.

TOP TIP: Don't peel away all of the tape at once. Initially only peel the tape from one corner. This then allows you to position the tape correctly first before sticking it all down.


The third step is where you can personalise your notepad. All you have to do is write a title for the pad on the white card. Have some fun with this by using different fonts and colours. You could simply use the word "notes" like I have or you could personalise it with your name. If you are giving your notepad as a gift why not add a nice comment instead.

For a bit of fun I also painted some slices of watermelon in the background with my Chameleon watercolour pens.


The final step is to frame the title card by backing it onto the plain card with the double sided tape. I chose a yellow to bring out the yellow in the patterned card. This step is optional though, you can just leave it plain white.  

So in 4 easy steps you have DIYed your own unique notepads. It doesn't take long and is nice and cheap to make. Plus, you have the added satisfaction of owning your own unique notepad.

Why not give it a go and tell is of any other top tips you have found for paper crafts such as this.


  1. The notebook turned out so cute! I love your little watermelon illustration. I want to give this a try with a dollar store notebook.

    - Angela (

    1. I'm so glad you found it useful. Its so much fun to do and so much cheaper than buying personalised stationary. I hope you enjoy making your own. I look forward to seeing the finished result 👍🏽


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